Sunday, June 7, 2009


So y'know how you round numbers right? I mean, that's an elementary math skill. Well, I did that with time. Twice. And that's a big no-no. &:45 was rounded to 8, and SOMEHOW, my brain computed that to 8:45, which was rounded to 9. And that was how I missed my SAT's.

I'm pretty bummed out, because now I only have two other chances at taking the test before I submit college applications. And I'm very disappointed in my carelessness and stupidity. However, everything happens for a reason, and perhaps it was for the best. I mean, I didn't even study for the test, I'm taking an SAT course during the summer, and so what would be the point of taking the test before undergoing methods that would ultimately improve my score. It would kind of be rendered useless if I did take that test. Okay, not really, since it would show what I would need to work on, but thats what diagnostic tests in the SAT classes are for, right?

I'm just trying to make myself feel better, from my foolish actions. This is not the first test I missed before either. I overslept once and missed taking my Earth Science regents. This led to me changing my August plans to take the exam at another school. Sigh. Let's hope that it doesn't harm my future.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm at school...

on my laptop in the Orchestra room. Hollah!

xmas List if it's not too late already
-usb flash drive
-a study in the house
-new webcam and microphone

Thursday, October 9, 2008

off again

I'm flying to California at 5:20. My cousin is getting married (the family says finally.) S'all good though, we're welcoming the 2nd Jew[ish doctor.] Ballin' chiropractically!

Things I expect to encounter in my 4th?5th? Visit:

1. In-n-Out burgers and fries (if you haven't had this, you haven't had anything yet...though those Ramley burgers sound like they're just as delicious)

2. Pinkberry- the addicting "non fat" dessert (there are girls out there that religiously eat these as meals.) Or maybe they'll have Red Mango.

3. Korean barbeque - piles upon piles of meat, and some octupus, with the family. Can't forget the kimchi too.

4. Starbucks - the bride to be and her mother love the caramel latte. I go for the cream fraps.

5. Greasy filipino breakfast (ilocano longanisa and spam anyone?) - or maybe not....I believe my aunt is on a more healthier diet for her heart. But you can't deny the occasion when relatives come over!


1. My favorite street, Melrose. Vintage finds, sneaker shops, and independent street brands all on the same block.

2. Bape LA - my little cousin (rocking the stas at 10 yrs as if it's nothing) would probably look forward to this most.

3. Little Tokyo - I'm not sure if I'll have time to make a stop here, but I love buying the small vinyl toys and phone charms there.


1. The wedding - seeing everyone, dancing, maybe drinking if I'm sly enough ;]

2. Meals with the relatives - and I don't have to pay a thing!

3. Having told that they don't like my hair or that I got fat....haha always happens

4. Being asked if my mom or I have a boyfriend. Typical.

5. A lot of gossip. Runs in the blood.

6. Conflict between other members. But in the end we're still a pamily.

Alright, now I am in the plane (Virgin America Airlines.) The interior sems 'hip.' Whatever, I'm going to Cali baby! Peace snitchessssss

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, what's new? My hair is much shorter now. From summer to fall, there have been two transitions:

older hair:

old hair (more dramatic layers):

and NEW hair =O :

okay I'll post more some other time. toodles!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Off to Maine. Im not in the best attitude at the moment; idk why I'm so grumpy :/ hopefully it'll be a good trip but who the hell goes to Maine?!

Friday, August 22, 2008

back from Spain

Interesting place.
Lotsa people.
Old people.
And young people with piercings.
Seafood and lemons.
Secondhand smoke.

Sunday, August 3, 2008